Employee Interview: Charlotte Worrel, Eyeconic Business Architect
Posted Oct 17, 2019 | Inside Eyeconic
Meet Charlotte, Eyeconic’s Business Architect. She may joke about her job title, but the amount of work she does for the team is no laughing matter! We sat down with Charlotte to learn more about the fun reasons she’s an office favorite and how we too can live our best lives eating all the pizza, traveling the world, and fostering dogs.
Every year she leaves for a new adventure outside the country with her partner Robbie.
Charlotte: This is true. We’re actually going to Japan soon! In total we will have visited Costa Rica, Tokyo and Mexico this year. Last year we did Morocco, Mexico and Portugal...the year before that was Mexico—we go there a lot—Prague, Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia, and before all that we went to Spain. Before I turned 25 I had never been out of the country. At that time, I went to Mexico and just got the travel bug; traveling is one thing I hope to do for the rest of my life. That being said, I’ve barely been around the United States, so I’ll have to travel around here more, too.Throughout high school she dressed in all black.
Charlotte: This is semi-true. I mean, I still wear a lot of black. I also had really short hair in a slight mohawk style that I updated in every possible hair color imaginable. It was bright red when I got my driver’s license picture taken... it didn’t even register on the camera.She’s from a small northern California town.
Charlotte: Good ‘ole Susanville. It was very cool and different. When I was growing up, it was very country. We were surrounded by nature and just 20 minutes out of town you could find wild mustangs. The downside was, you could only buy censored music and there were only country stations on the radio—it was in the middle of nowhere. We had two prisons in town that employed most of the town’s population, a supermarket, schools and a library. I grew up down the street from a Native American reservation and had the opportunity to learn about their culture. When I was 14 we packed up and moved to Sacramento, CA, which was like New York City to me. If you’re ever interested in learning more, there’s a documentary about Susanville—it’s called “Prison Town.”She loves listening to podcasts.
Charlotte: I do listen to a lot of podcasts. I listen to dorky economics or science-y podcasts...OR murder and criminal podcasts. No in between, but they sometimes overlap. It’s nice to listen to while getting ready for work, driving or just during odd times throughout the day. I also love documentaries, so podcasts are kind of just like verbal documentaries in a way.She started a “Dog hospice.”
Charlotte: Unofficially, yes. Our dog Joe passed away recently and after a while we were like, “Let’s adopt a dog!” So, we did... we adopted a 14-year-old dog. Now we have this cute little elderly person in our house who is very sweet and cute with no front teeth. His name is Val—Valentino. We’ll see how it goes! The whole “dog hospice” is somewhat accurate but we’ve only taken in one so far. When I retire, I 100% want to foster dogs.Other fun facts?
Charlotte:- I probably haven’t had non-carbonated water for like 2 years. I have a serious fizzy water addiction.
- I love popcorn-flavored jelly beans, pizza, and coffee. Not in any specific order. I don’t eat pizza a lot though, but I do run on caffeine.
From Charlotte's supervisor:
“Charlotte is quirky, quick-witted, and energetic. I'd like to say she's the 'voice of the people;' she knows how to see the big picture while still understanding each component from an objective and practical point of view. In her job, she basically is the person who takes all the pieces to the puzzle and puts them all together—which is why we joke about her job title of 'Business Architect.'"
Charlotte's Charm:
Charlotte doesn’t wear glasses, but if she did, she would buy these stunning Chloé CE2142 octagonal frames.