
woman with curly hear wearing circular glasses

The Best Eyewear for Your Hairstyle

Posted May 16, 2024 | Fashion & Trends

We all know that glasses, while an essential tool for correcting our vision, are also one of the most immediately-recognizable accessories we wear. That means picking out our eyewear is about more than just our prescription. We have to consider frame materials, face shape, lifestyle, seasonal color palette, and hair color, among other things. Given how many factors go into picking our next pair of frames, there’s one that’s often forgotten. Our hairstyle!

Just like glasses, the length and shape of our hair is one of the first things people notice about us. And just like our face shape, our hair can be a helpful determing factor in figuring out which glasses look best on us. Today we’ll take a look at the best eyewear for a variety of different hairstyles.


Short Straight Hair

Also known as the “pixie cut,” one of the great benefits of this hairstyle is that it leaves your face wide-open for all sorts of interesting styles. In order to make the most use of this wide canvas, consider opting for big, interesting frames, like these large glasses from our Smart Staples Collection
black smart staples glasses


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Long Curls

If you’re lucky enough to have long, curly hair, cat-eye frames are a great option for you. Their pointed design draws attention up to your lovely locks. Grab these frames from bebe in black if you prefer your glasses sleek and simple, or nab them in rose gold for a fun, feline design.

cat-print cat-eye glasses

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The Topknot/Bun

Like the pixie cut, one of the great benefits of a bun or topknot is that it fully exposes your face, serving as an excellent opportunity to show off a glamorious pair of glasses. Choosing the right styles of glasses for this haircut will largely be determined by your face shape, but no matter what you choose, why not pick this opportunity to highlight a pair of designer frames, like these gorgeous, golden Gucci frames?

gold and black gucci glasses

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Short or Shaved

If your response to “what’s the best haircut?” is something along the lines of “the one with the least hair,” then you should look for eyewear that is just as minimalistic as your hairstyle. These slim, no-nonsense glasses from Nike should fit the bill.

slim gray Nike glasses

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If you tend to prefer the greased-back, vintage-inspired look, then your glasses should feel just as retro. Few glasses are as timeless as the rockabilly-inspired look of these square glasses from Ray-Ban.
Black rockabilly ray-ban glasses

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Long Hair

Working on cultivating a lion’s mane? These thick aviators from McAllister elevate the classic, laid-back look of the aviator with a modern, stylish twist.

Stylish McAllister Aviators

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